Sunday, July 6, 2008


These memories are from your Aunt Iva.
Some of the fun times and important events bring to mind the family gatherings. (These would be your mom's side of the family.) One event being, Dominic and Amy, at about age 4 and 6, sitting on the rug at Grandma's Vina's home (Chester Ln.) playing Chinese Checkers. I am not sure if Amy was letting you win or you were stomping her.
One of the photos shows your home on "B" street. Remember the great play structure Ray built for you, Amy and all the neighbor friends? I am sure they remember a lot of fun times with you, letting the imagination go wild, pretending all sorts of adventures. The photo is of you sharing the fun with many cousins.
Another photo shows Dominic not so sure about the photo time with the relatives, perhaps he is thinking, "If I put my hands in my pocket and close my eyes, perhaps this will pass quickly", were you ten or so then. Having us drop by Christmas Eve for another photo op and food gift exchange was to find you all ready to smile, now you were getting the hang of photo time. Seeing the many photos with friends in more recent time, I can see you did not remain camera shy. That smile of yours could light up a room.Fast forward a few years, (Elm Street home) and we have Dom in his favorite place (on the couch) to watch a ball game with relatives and friends during a Easter family gathering Within 30 minutes, Dom was out on the patio, coloring Easter eaggs, adults and kids joining in. Guess who won the first place for the best, most creative egg? Dom of course. This was a preview of years to come, when Dom would win the Mattel contest for best button for Halloween
When Amy and Dominic were in their teens, Jane and Amy took a self defense class. One day Amy came home from a session and informed Dom that she had learned how to throw a person. Dom said," I bet you can't throw me." Before the words were out of his mouth, he was on his back. I am sorry to say I was not there, but Jane was, and she told me the story. And the stories go on. All the sharing from so many people is wonderful, building a strong connection between us all and passing that on where needed.
We are sending our strength, love and prayers to you, Jane, Don, Dominic, Amy, and Maddy.Love Aunt Iva and Uncle Randy

From Merrilee:
I am a friend of Marshall's and I have heard about Dominic for the past 8 years that I have known Marshall. To know Marshall is to know those that are important and loved by Marshall. He is such a loyal friend and I have been so honored to have been added to this blog and had the privilege to read the letters from all of Dominic's friends and family. Everyday I sit and laugh and cry as I read the postings. I have been deeply affected by Dominic and he has blessed me through his life and all of the many people who love and adore him. He truly is an inspiration to me and he is in my prayers daily!

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