Wednesday, July 2, 2008

From Wendy Wayne

There are so many Dominic stories that I could tell. Benji, Larkin, Wendy and Gene (the Wayne/ Tacketts) have had the joy of spending time with the Ambriz over the last 23 years. Benji and Dominic met in Kindergarten and Larkin and Amy went through school together, as well. Watching our children grow and develop to fine young men and a woman has been even more enjoyable because we have shared so many milestones with the Ambriz.Here are two stories that came to mind:

When Benji and Dominic were 9 years old, Benji was going to try out for a play with the Junior Theatre. Dominic came along for the ride. The Director of the play, Peg Pauley, spotted Dominic in the audience, waiting patiently for Benji to audition. She encouraged Dominic to audition, as well. By the time we drove home, Dominic had the two leading roles: the Prince and the Pauper. Less than a year ago, Dominic was visiting and I dusted off the copy of the video of the play. We all got a good laugh watching Dominic in blue tights and knickers. He was a fine actor and a very successful leading man!!

In the summer of 1990, the Wayne/Tackett family decided to go on a Sunday hike a picnic in the Kern River Valley and invited Dominic to come along. We enjoyed a fun, moderate hike up a dusty trail over looking the Kern River. There wasn't anyone else around. When we stopped for lunch, Dominic, Larkin and Benji (as usual) were still full of energy and got a little antsy. Before we knew what was happening, Benji and Dominic had figured out how to make nooses out of the long grass reeds that were growing in the meadow where we were relaxing. Benji and Dom (ever competitive) were seeing who could lasso a lizard. Before long, they were finding out who could lasso the most lizards. There a memorable adventure when Dominic and Benji were together.Here are some memorable photos from the trio (Benji, Jeff and Dom), the BHS gang, Larkin's bachelor party in Lake Tahoe and the guys with the "big guns." (Tom, Dom, Larkin and Benji).
Love you all, Wendy
More to follow

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello...I have never met Dominic but after being introduced to this blog, I genuinely wish I had. I think we all have these phases in life when we walk around in a cloudy mental state trying to figure out what our purpose is, what path we should walk down, who likes us for who we genuinely are, what we want to be when we grow up, etc. Upon reading these wonderfully inspiring and touching letters you all have written, it dawned on dare I spend one more minute of my life here on earth worrying about what hasnt happened yet?!?! The journey is what it's all about...the road to becoming the best 'you' that you can be. The journey to forging life long friends that hopefully you make a positive lasting impression on, and them the same. Making an impact in this lifetime and on others that is so much greater than the tangible. I am thourougly enjoying reading about Dom's journey, his purpouse seems way beyond anything I can comprehend and he inspires people that never even knew him to be better. Thank you for reminding me to appreciate the 'now'...its called the present for a reason.
The most sincere and heartfelt prayers from Texas for Dom and his family.
~Carolyn (Ruthie's friend)