Monday, June 16, 2008

New Communication Style...

Hey everyone...we are going to try a new way to communicate. Hopefully Blogging will make it easier for you to get information from the Ambriz' & you can post your messages too which I will gladly share with Dom.

Just so we all know Dom is at Cedars right now & just finished a two hour spinal-mri and is sleeping soundly. Scoob is here, along with his family, and some wonder Mattel family members came by to help decorate the room.

I will send out more later...thanks...M


Kstephenspr said...

It has been so much fun going through all the stories of the wonder of Dom. Many of the moments have me laughing, crying and saying to myself, I know what you mean. I would be remise not to include another of my fondest moments with Dom recalled to my attention by Vidosh. On that same great Vegas visit for Matt's 30th, the dance party followed a delicious champagne brunch in Matt's honor which included me doing a little more champagning than brunching. After we had all exhausted our moves, it didn't take long to realize that I needed to settle in for a long winter's nap. Dom likely didn't realize when I showed up that I intended to be his roommate for the next several hours but alas, what are friends for? At some point Dom also decided it was time for some shut eye and we proceeded to enjoy side by side naps in the luxurious Luxor room. When I woke up, Dom was heavy into a college football game. I thought, wow this is where it's at. I'm in Vegas, great nap, air conditioning, chillin' with Dom over a football game all cozy and tucked in adjoing queen beds. He had snacks, What more could you ask for? Unfortunately for Dom I had a lot of questions. Despite years as a cheerleader, I'm full of spirit but lacking in basic knowledge about the pigskin - Dom where are they playing? Will they be out if they lose? Dom what does that call mean? What happens in overtime? Why are the college rules different? Dom do you have any water? What about more snacks? He handled me with great patience at first, answering my questions over long pauses as he tried to explain without completely missing the game. Slowly my questions were met with grunts and head shakes until it was time for me to go back to my own accomodations. Later that night someone asked him how the game was and he simply smiled at me and explained that it would have been much better if I would have stopped talking throughout the entire second half or would've gone back to sleep. It was a good moment to illustrate another thing I love about Dom, while Dom possesses the same squirliness as the rest of us, we all know and love his more laid back approach. I, on the other hand, can be a touch loud, some might say dramatic and typically overwhelming to quiet types. But not with Dom - I always know that with Dom I can be as loud and boisterous as I want, I can be unladylike and be one of the boys or simply yap at him about pretty much anything that he may or may not care less about and he just laughs at my stories and lets me ramble. Isn't that the very best thing about friends that have known you for most of your life and growing up in a place like Bakersfield? They are part of your heart, part of who you are and you never, ever, need to be anything but just yourself. Dom embodies that comfort to the tenth degree and I challenge you to find one person who wouldn't agree. xoxoxo

Unknown said...

Ok, I have never "blogged" and will probably mess this up so hope this works. I do not know Dom that well but was fortunate to work with him on a couple Mattel projects. I saw Dom a couple months ago at a work seminar after having been away for a couple years. Same Dom - nicest guy. I had no idea that Dom was back in the hospital and am sending warm thoughts, prayers and good wishes. My kids overheard me talking about Dom and suggested I send a couple of their jokes to cheer him up. Never doubt the intuition of an 8-year old so here goes and I hope in the cheesiest way, it makes him smile:
* Why do bees hum? Because they forget the words
* How do birds learn to fly? They "wing" it

From Cindy (with help from Riley and Dylan)