Monday, June 30, 2008

From BreAnne Maltone...

My name is BreAnne and I am one of Scoob's oldest and best friends. Over the last 6 months since she has been dating Dom, I think I have seen her sparkle with happiness more than I've ever seen before. I have always been impressed by the positive outlook that she and the entire "Bring it" crew possess towards this fight- everybody knows that Dom is strong.

I first met Dom in high school. The OP crew from Emerson was much different than the preppy boys we were used to from Fruitvale. They were rough around the edges and very intriguing. Somehow Dom and I got hooked up to go to the freshman formal together. How exciting- my first high school dance! You know how girls are.... I spent weeks finding the perfect dress, tanning, making appointments, and bugging Dom about how to best "match" me.

When we entered the Tackett home that night, all the boys looked incredibly handsome dressed up. Then I saw Dom. He was wearing a black and white pin striped gangster looking tux and giant white Ronald McDonald looking shoes!!!! I remember being so embarrassed!!! Looking back at those pictures now, Dom is the one with his head held the highest and with the biggest smile on his face. He was, by the far, the most handsome date there. :)

1 comment:

Amy Madrid said...

Testing. Is this the right place to post?