Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Old Skool....

I originally met Don and Jane Ambriz when I was 16 years old, a sophomore at BHS, now I'm 46! They hired me to assist them with their studio as class credit. Previously, through the years they would hire various students to assist them! From that day forward, my life changed!!! I worked with them for over 23 years. Don was a big brother to me and I thought Jane was the most beautiful lady I had ever met, like Audrey Hepburn in the movies. I was in awe!!! They treated me like family! I loved working with them and I knew what dear friends I had, so I never wanted to leave them!

A few years later, Amy was born and then Dominic! What two beautiful children I witnessed growing up!... I've come to the realization that I 've always had a lack of self-confidence and a low self-esteem. These children pulled me out of a mental coma sort to speak! They equally made me feel so special, loved, a friend, they made me feel, like their parents had, that life is beautiful and so worth living!!!.. As the years passed and they became more beautiful and handsome, I knew one day they would not be coming to the studio as much and soon college was around the corner for each of them! But somehow they always found time to come back!!!

Through the years, I saw Dominic grow up from a beautiful baby to a very handsome young man to "everyone's friend"!... What you gave me through the years Dominic, I truly hope you know!!! The hugs, the kind and comforting words, the smiles, the pat on the back, the picture you drew for me, your positive outlook on life, your confidence, strength... but foremost your love and friendship!!!

When I first walked up the stairs of the "Old House Restaurant" at Ninth and Chester Ave. to meet Don and Jane Ambriz of Earthworm Studios for work experience I was so nervous... Forty years later, I've gained experience, experiences but foremost loving friends I will always consider family!!!...I love you Don, Jane, Amy, Mattie and Dominic... Vincent Rangel

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